BIOL 1020 or BIOL 1023 or BIOL 1027. BIOL 1020 or equiv. Field journeys and laboratory work. BIOL 5370 MOLECULAR ECOLOGY LEC. BIOL 5260 PROKARYOTIC MOLECULAR GENETICS LEC. BIOL 3000 or BIOL 3003 or FISH 3000 or AGRI 3000 and and BIOL 3201.
Cell And Molecular Biology Courses
GEOL 7550 ADVANCED GEOPHYSICAL METHODS LEC. GEOL 6600. Advanced treatment of geophysical strategies, knowledge interpretation and modeling. Applications to resource growth and environmental assessments might be explored, with emphasis on seismic methods. GEOL 6840 CLIMATE CHANGE AND SOCIETY LEC. GEOL 5720 PANAMA STUDY ABROAD-CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT LEC.
Training In The Earliest Civilizations
Statistics and modeling of random phenomena in connection to computational complexity, knowledge analysis, processes of likelihood and chaotic nonlinear techniques. Credit will not be given for each STAT 6690 and MATH 6690. STAT 5690 CHAOTIC AND RANDOM PHENOMENA LEC. Credit will not be given for each STAT 5690 and MATH 5690. PHYS 7540 NON-EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL MECHANICS LEC. MATH 8600 ADVANCED PROBABILITY I LEC.
Mathematics Math
Pr., Departmental approval. GEOL 4997 HONORS THESIS (2-4) LEC. May incorporate library, area or laboratory analysis in any proportion. Written thesis and thesis protection required.