Tuesday, January 21, 2025


A Brand New Perspective On The Role Of Mathematics In Medicine

After taking SCMH 1017, college students can complete core science requirement sequence by taking BIOL 1010, CHEM 1010, GEOL 1100, GEOL 1107, PHYS 1000, or PHYS 1150. Science core. Credit is not going to be given for both SCMH 1017 and SCMH 1010. SCMH 1010 CONCEPTS OF SCIENCE LEC. Interdisciplinary course which presents major scientific concepts in physical and organic sciences. After taking SCMH 1010, college students can complete core science requirement sequence by taking BIOL 1010, CHEM 1010, GEOL 1100, PHYS a thousand, or PHYS 1150.

Biology Courses

BIOL 6190 CELL AND MOLECULAR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION LEC. BIOL 4100 and BIOL 5220 and . Study of mobile communication and regulation with emphasis on integration between cellular, molecular, genetic, and biochemical approaches. BIOL 5650 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR LEC.

Formal Necessities For The Biological Sciences Major

GEOL 6240 COASTAL GEOMORPHOLOGY LEC. Introduction to coastal sediment processes and applied coastal geomorphology; emphasis on waves, tides, sediments and their influence of anthropogenic influences. GEOL 5440 ELECTRON MICROPROBE ANALYSIS LEC. Instruction in the principle and utility of EMPA and SEM . The course provides an understanding the EMPA as a analysis device for evaluating the composition and structure of a variety of supplies. GEOL 5240 COASTAL GEOMORPHOLOGY LEC.

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